Credit: Fattitudethemovie.com
Have you heard of the new movie “Fattitude?” This past summer 21 Squared was proud to help bring “Fattitude: The Movie” to San Francisco’s Kabuki Theatre. We were one of the co-sponsors along with The Body Positive.
Currently “Fattitude” is traveling around the country and showing their very important movie at various film festivals and where possible, showing the movie at local theaters all over the U.S. via their TUGG Screening Program. (Read more here about their TUGG program if you want to show it in your city.)
Fattitude is the creation of Lindsey Averill and Veri Leiberman who are activists, writers, academics, podcasters filmmakers and all around amazing humans. Lindsey shared this on her profile:
“Lindsey has dedicated her life to ending the hateful relationships people have with their bodies and changing the national conversation about body image so that it focuses on effect the very real issues of bias and systemic prejudice.”
In Veri and Lindsey’s documentary, they explore the massive impact of mainstream media bias and its effects on viewers. When is the last time you saw a fat romantic lead in a movie or t.v. show? When is the last time you saw a woman in a fat lead that wasn’t a comedian or constantly making fun of her own body? VERY VERY RARE. Like me, they hope to inspire people to speak out about the prejudice they face or the mistreatment of others. We all deserve love, dignity and respect.
Making this movie was a passion project for them that took them years to film and edit. I was personally so emotional when I finally saw the movie in San Francisco. The movie includes Jes Baker, Substantia Jones, Virgie Tovar, Lindy West, Dr. Linda Bacon, Deah Schwarz, Marilyn Wann, Ragen Chastain, Tess Holiday, Bruce Sturgell, Sonya Renee Taylor, Black Magnoliah, Melissa Fabello and a bunch more amazing activists who fight every day against fat phobia. (They even included a little picture of me towards the end of the movie. They surprised me with that! I backed their Kickstarter way back in the early days.)
Their movie endeavors to educate the world about Fat Discrimination and the importance of Intersectional activism. They also introduce their audience to the H.A.E.S. / Healthy at Every Size concept. (Dr. Linda Bacon has written several books about H.A.E.S. and the idea that in a “just world, all bodies are valued and all people are supported in compassionate self-care.”
I am very excited when everyone can watch it on a major streaming platform like Amazon or one like it – hopefully in 2019. I want you all to watch it and I want you to show it to your fat phobic Uncle Bob and your Nana. We have a lot to learn from this fabulous documentary about body acceptance. And, I am so grateful to 21squared and The Body Positive for bringing this film to San Francisco (it’s only Bay Area showing). I appreciate 21Squared being so inclusive and for supporting our community.
Fattitude has this really fabulous resource I also wanted to share with you: 10 Things You Can Do to Stop Fat Hatred

Photo: Fattitudethemovie.com
21Squared is the community fashion app dedicated to curvy women who wear size 12+ where the members inspire each other to look their best without worrying about how something might fit because you will be matched to other women who have similar body to you. You are encouraged to share your outfit to help other women in the community while earning commission on every sale your post generates.